We are in web development business since 2009 and we are happy to say that WordPress has been at the core of our progress. In its early days, WordPress gained stunning popularity as a blog publishing platform but later it has evolved as a complete CMS (Content Management System). By providing outstanding range of features has made WordPress one of the most reliable, userfriendly and powerful open source tools. There are so many big and well know brands who are using wordpress as their CMS for website management. As of August 2013, WordPress has powered around 18.9% of the top 10 million websites in the world which is a staggering statastics. Below you will find the few significant reasons why you should opt the WordPress.
Open source
Being open source, WorPress is easily available to download for free from its official website (wordpress.org). As it is free, the code is open and permissible to be customized more and more people are using it to show their creativity and innovation. Non- technical person can grasp its features and functionality effortlessly in short time. Those who are looking to build their business website using WordPress, it is recommended to take help of expert WordPress developers to capitalize outstanding range of features which WordPress provides. There are plenty of resources available for assistance that can help you to make your website building process easy and quick. Unlike other CMS platform, WordPress offers features to convert your normal content website into online shopping store using the WordPress eCommerce plugins.
Easy to manage
WordPress offers intuitive admin interface to update, edit content of the website. Adding new page, blog and images is considerably so easy compared to other CMSs. Since WordPress is so simple, one should easily make necessary modification without any expert help. You are able to update content of your website at any point of time from any corner of world with internet access without any need to install any additional software.
SEO built-in structure
WordPress possess strong, simple and clear code making it considerable search engine friendly system. Code used in WordPress, search engine robots love to read and get highest preference of getting index fast. This is not the end yet, additionally WordPress offers for each page, post and image its own separate title, description and keyword meta by making prices customization efforts, you can secure highest position is search results.
Broad range of plugins
WordPress offers gamut plugins for specific needs of website. These plugin can be installed easily in your website for enhanced functionality. You can download essential free and premium plugins for your website from WordPress house.
Excellent range of themes
You are free to select specific theme according to your business needs. WordPress volunteers constantly release unique and creative themes at affordable if they are paid. Most of themes are customizable and search engine friendly. You can take benefit of hiring professional theme designer to get attractive yet professional look and feel for you website.
We need to accept that in past WordPress did fall in the trap of hackers but with the time spent, it has emerged as a strong and highly secure open source. Lots of security measurements have been taken to make WordPress most secure and reliable platform. It is recommended to take help of expert WordPress developer while setting up your WordPress website to save it from hackers intrusive attempts.
Read the ultimate guide to make your WordPress secure and safe.